Grace Church Memphis
Glorify | Treasure | Spread


Spirit-filled servants of Christ’s Purposes & People

Grace’s Diaconate: Grace’s task-specific deacons and deaconesses are serving in specified areas of ministry. If you have suggestions, questions or interest in helping, contact the corresponding deacon and deaconess.


Steven Chipman

Mens Discipleship

Helping cultivate Christ-centered environments and discipling relationships for men to delve into the riches of Christ. Coordinate with the elders to try to keep tabs on discipling
relationships in the congregation, and help connect others with the same; With the oversight of the elders, organize and facilitate Spring and Fall “Men of the Word” events; Cultivate prayer cohorts and evangelism throughout the year (both organized and organic).

Overseeing Elder: Jordan Thomas


Ben Bailey

Discipleship Media

Helping the body utilize various forms of media to fulfill Grace’s vision. For the sake of spreading lasting joy, seek to make Grace Church’s Word-ministry easily accessible beyond the walls of Grace Church; Cultivate attractive and informative digital, audio, and print materials for information sharing that serves the upbuilding of the body of Christ; Inform the technological needs for the church and church

Overseeing Elders: Jordan Thomas


Nathan Kyzar


Helping to encourage the body to give generously and the congregation to steward our resources wisely. Seek ways to encourage members to invest our whole lives in our biblical vision to spread lasting gospel joy. Prayerfully seek to influence the church’s investment strategy during the annual budget planning phase; maintain access of records to all monies and church-owned assets; Seek to cultivate gospel-
rooted, joyful, and sacrificial generosity in the life of God’s church for Christ’s sake.

Overseeing Elder: Bryan Smith


Jason Herrington

Global Missions

Helping the body engage the nations with the gospel of Jesus and establish new Christ-treasuring churches. Seek to remain connected to Grace Church’s global partners to encourage
them in their labors and to keep Grace Church informed for prayer and gospel partnerships; Cultivate a culture of prayer among the congregation for gospel-spreading near and far; Cultivate prayer and evangelism throughout the year (both organized and organic).

Overseeing Elder: Nathan Sawyer

Zach Jones


Helping the body gather for worship in a safe environment for all. Intentionally organize and train teams of men who will labor to ensure the safety of all who gather for worship with Grace Church; Acquire needed security materials for the church to worship peacefully

Overseeing Elder: Trey Davis

Amanda Kyzar

Hospitality & Benevolence

Helping the body proactively welcome guests and cultivate needed church-wide care for church members in times of crisis, loss or need. Help organize and train our Sunday
Greeter teams to welcome guests and connect them to Christ and Grace Church; Remain aware of needs in the body and seek to ensure that members or small groups are caring for one another in times of need (meals for births, deaths; gifts from the church in times of bereavement; baby showers; etc).

Overseeing Elder: Nathan Sawyer

Laura Lancaster

Congregational Singing

Helping the congregation exult together in our God through song. Prayerfully seek to suggest songs for congregational singing that accord with the sermon text; Organize and
train teams of musicians and vocalists who embrace the elders’ vision for the voices of the congregation to
be the primary instrument in our worship gatherings; Aim to offer various ways for the congregation to grow
in our harmonic exultation in Christ.

Overseeing Elder: Jordan Thomas

Jon Lancaster

Sunday Media

Helping the body utilize technology to maintain our focus upon Christ in our congregational worship gatherings. Organize and train the Sunday media teams, while cultivating a culture of humble joyfulness in service; Seek an attention to detail that serves the elder’s goal of “invisible excellence” in our church’s use of technology during worship gatherings so that the focus remains on Christ; Remain aware of needed technological improvements to best serve our Christ-centered vision and mission. Aim to utilize technology for the congregation to hear “our voice.” Capture GROW teaching and sermon audio.

Overseeing Elders: Jordan Thomas

Rick Talley

Sunday Services

Helping the body remain organized on Sunday’s for biblical training and needed logistics during congregational worship gatherings. Seek to ensure that anything needed for Grace Church’s worship gatherings is ready and prepared on time (teachers, classrooms, worship service needs, baptism
and Lord’s Supper supplies, etc); Organize and train teams of church members to serve in any ways that would help the congregation focus on Christ together in our times of teaching and worship.

Teleios Material Development

Seek to organize and execute the elders’ vision for Grace Church members to develop 8-10 week small group Bible studies through the entire canon. Organize and train teams of church members to develop portions of our inductive small group Bible study materials. Seek to maintain a pattern of ‘being ahead’ on the development timeline; Seek to help the body grasp the vision of joyfully helping one another grow in biblical maturity through developing and using our in-house study materials.

Overseeing Elder: Jordan Thomas

Becca Russell

Hospitality & Benevolence

Helping the body proactively welcome guests and cultivate needed church-wide care for church members in times of crisis, loss or need. Help organize and train our Sunday
Greeter teams to welcome guests and connect them to Christ and Grace Church; Remain aware of needs in the body and seek to ensure that members or small groups are caring for one another in times of need (meals for births, deaths; gifts from the church in times of bereavement; baby showers; etc).

Overseeing Elder: Nathan Sawyer

Hanna Lee

Grace Kids

Helping organize teachers and workers to implement our pastor’s strategy to instill a biblical vision of Christ and His gospel labors to the next generation. Facilitate teacher and worker trainings as needed; Acquire and distribute elder-approved teaching materials; Remain aware of any needs during children’s classes; Make elders aware of any soul-care or relational needs among the children’s ministries.

Overseeing Elder: Bryan Smith

Sam Lee

Mens Discipleship

Helping cultivate Christ-centered environments and discipling relationships for men to delve into the riches of Christ. Coordinate with the elders to try to keep tabs on discipling
relationships in the congregation, and help connect others with the same; With the oversight of the elders, organize and facilitate Spring and Fall “Men of the Word” events; Cultivate prayer cohorts and evangelism throughout the year (both organized and organic).

Overseeing Elder: Jordan Thomas

Melissa Herrington

Women’s Discipleship

Helping cultivate Christ-centered environments and discipling relationships for women to delve into the riches of Christ. Coordinate with the elders to try to keep tabs on discipling
relationships in the congregation, and help connect others with the same; With the oversight of the elders, organize and facilitate Spring and Fall “Women of the Word” events; Cultivate prayer cohorts and evangelism throughout the year (both organized and organic).

Overseeing Elder: Jordan Thomas

Emily Bailey

Membership Connections

Helping visitors through the elder’s care process toward becoming fully-engrafted members. Remain aware of all in the membership process, helping inform them how to take their next step; Connect those interested in membership with a 'member mentor team' to discuss Grace's core ecclesiology. Seek to connect new members to in-home meals with other members during their initial months of membership.

Overseeing Elder: Bryan Smith

Jason Jarvis


Helping organize and train teams to prepare our worship space for undistracted focus on Christ during worship gatherings. Training team leaders to prepare worship spaces symmetrically from team to team, and to reset the facility as found; Remain informed of any needed materials or supplies, or additional workers for set up teams; Seek to cultivate joy in serving the Lord among the teams by conveying the biblical truth of serving like Christ, and praying for those who will occupy the spaces being prepared.

Overseeing Elder: Nathan Sawyer